Cara Limpia Spray 125ML By River Lab
Indications for use: Helps in the control and treatment of facial fungus and small pox. This product is designed to keep show birds and superior registered birds in optimal conditions
Dosage and route of administration: Moisten a previously moistened flannel with "Clean Face" with the solution so that when you rub the feathers you can see the solution. Clean the front of the chest, the lower abdominal area, as well as the wing and leg muscles. It is advisable to repeat this treatment every 30 days, in case of illness apply daily for 7 consecutive days.
Formula: Salicylate benzene chloride triethanolamine Carboxylvinyl Alcohol Red #5 Water
Warnings: in case of allergy or skin pain, stop treatment. If the symptoms persist, wash with plenty of water and consult your veterinarian.