DESPA UVL TABLETS Desparasitec de uvl with amebicide, the specialist against all kinds of external parasite now against amoeba, and gape worm(the roosters stretch the neck and it seems that they yawn).Contains in its formulation fat-soluble vitamins a,d, and e to soften its effect on the intestinal flora, ivermectin, praziquantel and febendazole to ensure its broad spectrum of 2 tablet per bird a single intake. In its formula contains ivermectin for control of external parasites.
Desparasitec of UVL with amebicida, the specialist against all kinds of external parasites now against amoeba, worm and mite (the cocks stretch the neck and it looks like bostesan).
It contains soluble vitamins in ade fat to soften its effect on intestinal flora, ivermectin, praziquantel and febendazol to ensure its broad spectrum of 2 Tablets per bird one take. In its formula contains ivermectin for control of external parasites.
1 Tablet Per Kilogram of the bird, MAXIMUM 2 Tablets in birds 1,900 to 3.00 kg.